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2017-21 Marie

Bra strap long hair to short bob

Marie has had long hair for whole life. She is not teenager anymore but young mother of a little daughter and she feels she needs a change. Her friends and family say to her to don't cut her hair but she wants to see if short hair suits her. There is no little regret but smile when her ponytail disappears in garbage bin and her hair is falling on the floor. Because she is beautiful young lady there's no matter if her hair is long or short and she is stunning at the end. Her head is lighter, her eyes are bigger and she is satisfied with her new hairstyle.


  • Hair at the beginning: Bra strap long black
  • Hair at the end: Short bob with buzzed nape
  • Location: Salon
  • Hairdresser: Female
  • Process: Shampoo, cutting wet hair, drying, styling
  • Interview with model: At the beginning and at the end
  • English subtitles: It'll be in future if sales meets cost
  • Camera: Active
  • Format: Full HD 1920 x 1080, 25 fps, .mkv
  • Size: 1,33 GB
  • Runtime: 1:05:07

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