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2016-06 Darya part 2 of 2

Long Glossy Thick Hair to Short

Darya is modern woman working in economic business and her very thick hair is a trouble for her. She must spend an hour every day in the morning to prepare to work. It consume a lot of money for care - quality shampoo, condicioner, masque, creams, coloring and hairdresser - about 100 € per months. Her shiny blond hair is in very good condition and well cared and it smells sweet with luscious perfume. But combing, washing and drying that hair is too time consuming. She is thinking about short hair for many months so she made an appointment two months ahead. She haven't had short hair in her life so she can't wait for it. Her hair is so thick that cutting, coloring, shampoo etc. took over 5,5 hours! She has no doubts during her hair makeover and sent many photos from her change to her friends. And then the new short haired self-confident woman emerges in the end. Do you want to see how it proceeded and what she did with her glossy mane? Buy part 1 and part 2 and watch it to the end.


  • Hair at the beginning: Long very thic blond to mid-back
  • Hair at the end: Short dark with blond top
  • Location: Salon
  • Hairdresser: Female
  • Process: Cutting dry hair, bleached, shampoo, cutting wet hair, coloring, shampoo, drying, styling
  • Interview with model: At the beginning and at the end
  • English subtitles: It'll be in future if sales cover cost
  • Camera: Active
  • Format: Full HD 1920 x 1080, 25 fps, .mkv
  • Size: 1,43 GB
  • Runtime: 1:13:21


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